Thursday, January 11, 2018

Katarina Patterson, CBD (CBI), SBD

It is with great pleasure and joy that I am proud to announce that I have finished both my trainings with Childbirth International and Stillbirthay! I received my certification and credentials from CBI on October 30, 2017 and December 21, 2017 from Stillbirthday. My trainings were great and I enjoyed learning from both organizations. I am now cross-certified in birth (CBI) and bereavement (SBD). I have also begun my training for my Postpartum Doula certification through a newly founded Christian faith-based doula training program called Heartbeat Doula Network. It was started by the founder of Catholic Doula Program in order to give a non-denominational option for doula training online. I am very excited to finish this program and add HPPD to my credentials as well. Along with my postpartum training, I am taking a training course via Breastfeeding University to earn my M.O.M Breastfeeding Advocacy certification too, in order to better help my clients achieve their breastfeeding goals.

Thank you for all  your love and support as I have finished and continue in my education to better families' birth experiences.

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